Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thoughts from the Vortex

Morning gang!

I am always fascinated by market psychology and the way human interaction makes up that psychology. I believe humans are inherently positive biased to everything. How we love to prop up our heroes only to let the human frailty of the hero begin to eat away at his glow only to have the masses rush in to prop back up.

The market is no different only more extreme. While it is difficult to short the market or individual stocks, it has always amazed me how swift and hard plunges come. I have been called a perma bear often by many of my readers yet I would like to say I always feel I'm trying to find the turn up for the longer term play. Will the mighty and famous buy and holders finally lose their fame? I think not. And really what is smart money and dumb money? Will the cavalry show up today?

watching HES on an orb breakdown or 52.55 to short whichever comes first.

SPG short 49.35

These are day trades 1 pt stops

Looking to see if the SPX tests its 60 min trendline or 20 ma on the 60 min chart.
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